Monday, July 27, 2020


The motto on the U.S. Great Seal, “E Pluribus Unum” or “out of many, one” applies to untold dichotomies.

For example, most humans trust-in and commit-to a personal inspiration and motivation that sustains them despite the unknowns/fate. Many humans nurture a doctrinal God and believe their God controls humankind’s good if not everything. Most believers reserve sufficient humility toward whatever-God-is and, in civic integrity, do not object to each other’s private beliefs. Yet they connect to constrain chaos. Among that society, “E Pluribus Unum” may apply to whatever-God-is with no offense against each believer who nurture’s their personal God. That culture’s discovery that one of the doctrines represents whatever-God-is would upset neither civic, civil, and legal pursuit of statutory justice nor private spiritual development.

In 2020, political supremacy has come to public attention in un-expected extremity: the popular media, mayors, governors, Congress persons, the U.S. Supreme Court, and a presidential campaign behaving as anarchists---intending to overthrow not only the President but the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps 7 decades creeping development is this: writers for the media promote social democracy (chaos) instead of U.S. constitutional republicanism---the deliberate development of statutory justice. Perhaps humankind can lessen social conflict by identifying the-supreme-society.

Perhaps the-supreme-society is that faction of humankind who most desire mutual, comprehensive safety and security, hereafter SECURITY. The question then becomes the means to enjoy and encourage SECURITY. Personal intentions is of utmost importance, and we assert that the U.S. Preamble continually offers to “ourselves and our Posterity” intentions for an achievable better future.

Ancient civic suggestions

                The past had to happen for cultures to evolve as they are. Some cultures disappeared into their posterities. The Greeks, especially Athenians, more than 2,400 years-ago commented on civic, civil, legal, and spiritual order and suggested that (in my 2020 interpretation): humans may develop equity under statutory justice.

Since each human is unique, providing equality rather than equity is impossible. Furthermore, some citizens, for reasons they may or may not understand, oppose/resist civic integrity as expressed by written law-enforcement. When injustice is discovered, written law must be amended so as to approach justice. Un-engaged living citizens may suffer unjust laws that their descendants and the rest of posterity will correct. Posterity’s posterity may establish the standards we’d like to enjoy today but have not yet discovered and accepted.

Greek political philosophy is a benchmark a substantially uninformed, concerned citizen (such as I) can use to disengage from parts of 3 million years human evolution, perhaps 200,000 years psychological development, and perhaps 80,000 years cultural evolution. For example, Greek regard for slaves 2,400 years ago takes the pressure off me to know more than that Hammurabi took slavery for granted 3,800 years ago or that slavery for pyramid construction began 4,600 years ago.

Of more recent slave-interest is papal bulls that granted to each Portugal and Spain monopolies on African-slave trade: Dum Diversas (1452)[1] and Inter Caetera (1493)[2], respectively. Papal bulls also granted Portugal and Spain rights to colonize, convert, and enslave inhabitants of lands they “discovered” for the Church. Protestants or reformed Catholics competed. “In 1562, John Hawkins set out on a voyage that would mark the beginning of the English slave trade.” [3] “In Spanish Florida and farther north, the first African slaves arrived in 1526 with Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón's establishment of San Miguel de Gualdape on the current Georgia coast.”[4] Nine free and independent states ratified the U.S. as a global nation on June 21, 1788,[5] with provisions in the proffered U.S. Preamble and attached articles to end both the slave trade by 1808 and slavery when abolition was practicable. [6]

A proffered political proposition

                Without trying to claim reliable facts about who, what, and why, the U.S. Preamble is the most promising political proposal I can imagine. The action is taken by the continuum of civic citizens by virtue of the phrases “in order to” (civic commitment) and “to ourselves and our Posterity” (living citizens and future generations). It proposes 5 public disciplines to encourage responsible human independence, tacitly relegating spiritualism/religion to privacy. In no way does it propose violence or chaos. It offers no standards for the disciplines or independency, implying that posterity’s posterity will approach civic excellence. Lastly, it leaves it to civic citizens to voluntarily consider, practice, and promote the proposition. It is in each citizen’s self-interest to do so.

                I nurture my interpretation of the proposition by inviting fellow citizens to criticize it, and with their viewpoint, I may improve my way of living.

Race relations

                What if human cultures had developed such that black is the favored skin-color and white indicates hereditary sin still being punished by a black-skinned God? This debate is playing out in the world today, and evidence for the argument is in Judeo-Christian Bible interpretation. Let’s consider a pivotal passage in the Complete Jewish Bible.

                Here’s the creation story and the assignment of responsibility for the earth: Genesis 1: 26-30, with emphasis by me.

Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule . . . over all the earth . . . ." So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. God blessed them: God said to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it [wherever] there is a living soul . . . .” And that is how it was. 

The text is proffered, and each human, then and now, may interpret “how it was.” Do the deity-plurals and “male and female” assert that God is both male and female or androgynous?[7] Does “all the earth” and “a living soul” include all persons? Does “blessed” imply discipline/encouragement to the command “subdue it”? Does “he created them” suggest that the androgynous God commissioned the creator to do the work or is the implication negated by “his own image”? The text-reader may decide.

The reader cannot consign his or her interpretation to another entity. I think the ancient insight Genesis suggests to every human individual is that he or she is individually responsible for human integrity, and that’s how it is, whatever-God-is. The controversial “living soul” may indicate a person who accepts the responsible human independence to lessen chaos/infidelity on earth; in other words, “living soul” is an expression for “civic citizen”. Of course, I do not know the-literal-truth.

            That’s the controversial[8] Holy Bible: What does the-objective-truth suggest about race? First, “the-objective-truth” expresses humankind’s comprehension of actual-reality as perceived by discovery and comprehension of the ineluctable evidence. Invention of new instruments of perception help humankind improve the-objective-truth so as to approach the-literal-truth. For example, invention of the telescope and subsequent improvements informed humankind that the earth is the center of neither our solar system nor of the universe. Obviously, humankind is the human race? Does physics and its progeny divide the human race or are ethnicities human constructs?

            DNA research has suggest that everyone alive can be traced to a mother who lived in Africa more than 200,000 years ago, which implies 1) that prior mothers were not the Eve of the Abrahamic tribes and 2) that living people are descendants of migrants from Africa. However, critical to the Bible story is Adam, from whose rib the Eve was created. In human reproduction, “Whereas the Y chromosome is passed from father to son, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is passed from mother to daughter and son.”[9] Additionally, most fathers have only one son, and their Y chromosome is destined to statistical extinction since mothers’ chromosome goes to both daughter and son. Consequently, the modern-inherited Y chromosome must be traced through mothers. “. . . studies later found that Adam, the common ancestor of the portion of the Y chromosome that passes from father to son, lived roughly 100,000 years ago.” A still later study suggests 180,000 to 200,000 years. “As of 2013, estimates for the age Y-MRCA are subject to substantial uncertainty, with a wide range of times from 180,000 to 580,000 years ago (with an estimated age of between 120,000 and 156,000 years ago, roughly consistent with the estimate for mt-MRCA.)”[10]

            Just as the individual cannot consign interpretation of Bible passages, each human has the self-interest to learn how his or her origins may be included in humankind. The evidence that everyone alive has ancestors who migrated from Africa with DNA traceable to one woman who lived 200,000 years ago and one man who may have lived 0.8 to 2.9 Eve-times ago, suggests that human genes adapt to global migration. Not only can typical skin color adapt by climate and food, but disease can be inherited. For example, sickle cell disease can be eliminated if people with sickle cell trait remain celibate.[11] Is there a proffered culture that encourages responsible human independence? Is an achievable better future available?

Acceptances required in choice to be a human being

Unfortunately, Education Departments are not programmed to teach what it means to be a human being. Each newborn may discover, during youth or later, that fellow persons consider him or her a human being. He or she may then ponder what that entails. Development of a mature human person may take place in groups of decades. First, in perhaps 3 decades, a feral infant may transition to a young adult with comprehension and intention to live his or her unique human lifetime. By then, the person may have discovered human independent power, independent energy, and independent authority (HIPEA) by which infidelity may be avoided in self-interest; in other words, integrity is in the person’s self-interest. Second, earning the living he or she wants during 3 to 4 decades provides the experiences, observations, and contributions during which either integrity may be maintained/developed or infidelity tolerated. Third, retirement decades may allow reflection and perhaps sharing with posterity, especially descendants. Since Education Departments don’t coach and encourage these naturally-proffered acceptances, many persons die young or unfaithful. Also, mere acceptance is insufficient: there must be discipline. The undisciplined may expect privation in their progeny.

A proffered civic agreement for public discipline

A culture that abstractly proposes responsible human independence exists, still under 1789-1791 Congressional repression. The proposition is proffered in the preamble to the United States Constitution and its 1787 Articles. Every U.S. citizen has the opportunity to both consider the preamble and choose their version of it “in order to” develop their civic, civil, legal, and (private) spiritual living or, aware or not and neglectful or not, take the license they perceive as their liberty. If they take the liberty-to enact violence, they risk subjugation to statutory law. It is in each citizens’ self-interest to give the preamble its due consideration.

I nurture my interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition in the blog,, where readers may learn how my interpretation emerged and the names of the fellow citizens who helped it happen. For the present, reading and imagining that my interpretation is valid for me and for no other citizen is the invitation. My interpretation today is:  This civic citizen practices and promotes the 5 public disciplines proffered in the U.S. Preamble---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” enjoy and encourage to fellow inhabitants responsible human independence, leaving it to other nations to develop civic integrity/not as they may perceive it.


The U.S. Preamble abstractly reports the consequences of the debates in the constitutional convention in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. Its authors, the 5-member Committee of Style, issued it on September 12, 1787. The signers on September 17 numbered 39 of 55 framers. “Founders” before and after, including the 16 framers who did not sign and the representatives of the 9 states that ratified the Constitution with the intentions to amend it[12] are merely debaters. They subsequently repressed the greatest political sentence in the world: the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

The U.S. Preamble still is proffered and posterity’s posterity may employ it to develop perhaps the supreme human culture: majority-citizens with the public-discipline to constrain violence “in order to” encourage individual happiness with civic integrity. Perhaps E Pluribus Unum applies to SECURITY.

Copyright©2020 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

[7] Online at “having the characteristics or nature of both male and female.” This usage suggests that, at least for human beings, choice of “nature” encompasses both physics and psychology. However, as an object of research, psychology is a progeny of physics the object of evidentiary study. The advantage of replacing “nature” with “physics” is to separate the subject of “soul,” which to my knowledge is an unproven entity.

[8] Besides being Judeo-Christian, perhaps a contradiction of the Talmud, The Holy Bible (382) paralleled or spawned counter arguments such as the Orthodox Tewahedo biblical canon,  the Quran (632), the Book of Mormon (1830), The Original African Heritage Study Bible (KJV) (2007), and Africa Bible Commentary (2010), to tip an iceberg.

[12] The Bill of Rights intentionally re-instated unconstitutional colonial-British traditions such as church-state partnership. See online at

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