Thursday, July 8, 2021

To Judicial Watch to promote U.S. Responsible-Human-Independence (RHI)


Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch

Dear Mr. Fitton:

This is an October 3, 2021 & August 20, 2022 edited& updated repetition of my letter of July 4, 2021.

I wrote to request you to assign a Constitutional lawyer to work with me, or independently, to position Judicial Watch to initiate a necessary& just conservative-movement if not to reform the United States Constitution. By reform I mean restore 1787-proffered independence-from Anglo-American-tradition.[1]

I am reacting-to your message “Defending the Rule of Law”, in the May 2021 JW news. I share the message with each President Donald Trump and his former running mate, friends George Schwing and Charles Schladand, and on my blog. I reference key sources that helped earn my opinions, but refer to no person or association in order to volunteer civic-integrity.

                An achievable better future is not easy for anyone to discover. Everything that happened had to happen to bring the world’s best hopes to 2022 diverging-chaos. For example, alien-elite writers for the media publish celebrity-opinion rather than news, keeping the civic-citizens, We the People of the United States, from pursuing eonomic security "to ourselves  and our posteirty". I skip many events&  issues that could& should appeal to the experiences&obervations[2] of most fellow-citizens. The “good-people” of this world want mutual, comprehensive-safety& security so that fellow-citizens can& may responsibly pursue the happiness they want rather than submit to someone else’s vision.

                My passion for U.S. reform is predicated on political philosophy gleaned from Genesis 1:26-28. I  apply recent discovery of some of the-ineluctable-evidence (ineluctable meaning unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible).  The civic-citizen, whether female or male, and whether spiritual or not, aids necessity& justice[i] through responsible-human-independence (RHI). The political conservative behaves to constrain chaos on earth by inventing new perspectives that address necessity with justice. Ineluctably, necessity motivates individuals to take action; only if-they-intend-justice will they use humble-integrity in their decisions. In mystery, defying ineluctability is labeled “free will” rather than infidelity to self. Thus, a person who accommodates crime freely rejects civic-fidelity.

                Let me explain RHI, in 12 considerations: 1) necessity& justice in past and future human development, 2) the Genesis-1 author’s expression that humankind can& may independently provide comprehensive-safety& security on earth, 3) humility toward the-High-God rather than competitive division, 4) windows of perception in human-progress, 5) physics& offspring (hereafter “physics”) corrects resistence against the-rule-of-law, 6) the U.S. stops resising its proffered proposal for necessity& justice, 7) the 1776 Declaration separately appreciates church and state in order to win independence from England, 8) 13 free& independent states did not cooperate under a confederacy, 9) the 1787 U.S. Constitution separates church& state, 10) U.S. political tyranny since 1788 can& may be reformed by a civic-people, 11) consequences of Congressional defiance are known and amended, and 12) U.S. reform facilitates an achievable better future. It helps to keep this list visible while reading the messages that follow.

                First, to encourage&facilitate an achievable better future, the U.S. must separate spirituality, a desire by some humans, and necessity&justice—responsible, self-interested-living. This requires civic separation of each church and state; hope and achievement; metaphysics and physics; hope and certainty; afterlife and life. By all means, government must not favor spirituality, church, hope, metaphysics, and mystery, even though each is encountered in human experience&observations. And afterdeath seems certain. Afterdeath may consist of dust and consequences of living.

                Evolution ought to be comprehended& appreciated, in-order-to assess developing human-responses to necessity& justice and to imagine optimal next steps in the journey to the ultimate posterity’s[3] way of living. The homo-sapiens we may study in 2022 evolved with higher awareness and grammar to research the-ineluctable-evidence and, by continually improving instruments for perception, might approach if not dicover the-ineluctable-truth about a something. For example, the earth, once thought to be flat and the center of the universe is known to be globe-like and yearly-orbiting around the sun while daily-rotating on its axis at 1,000 mph surface-speed. Homo sapiens discovered they can travel into space, formerly thought to be a realm reserved for the-High-God. Religious belief slowly yields tradition as humankind discovers the-laws-of-physics. It is in the individual’s self-interest to respond to physics even if some persons gain hope and comfort from spirituality.

                 The path to homo sapiens has been slow and driven by survival as human awareness&languages developed. From prior species, Hominini emerged about 6 ma (million years ago), homo emerged 2.5 ma, H. sapiens 300 ka. [ii] Shockingly recent, civilizations we know-of evolved during the last 10,000 of homo sapiens’ 300,000 years.[iii] Early migrations from Africa are believed to have begun 2 ma.[iv]Separate archaic (non-sapiens) human species are thought to have survived until around 40,000 years ago (Neanderthal extinction), with possible . . . survival of hybrid species as late as 12,000 years ago (Red Deer Cave people).”[v] This is to say that in any window of time, there exists a plurality of species within the emerging species, in our case, homo sapiens may have among us a more advanced mutation; call it "homo super". The individual develops their person in a confused and conflicted world.

                Extrapolating the above principles into the future, the next homo-species may already exist. I hope individuals who pursue RHI improve the gene pool. It is not unreasonable to think, watching TV shows, popular news, reality-media, and Congressional meetings, that the elites consider themselves immune-from necessity& justice and alien-to civic-integrity. Perhaps the age-old focus on sexual intimacy evolved into “female-power”. Perhaps ruin, once unleashed, is unstoppable. For example, “The Counselor”, with Brad Pitt, depicts female-power in high-crime. Modern male can’t resist a sexy skirt and body, no matter why it appears. The movie expresses a metaphysical possibility that opposes mine. Instead of increasing infidelity, I think female& male-human-being can&must choose RHI, for self-interest to survival if not personal success. Reform seems possible through acceptance and appreciation of RHI.

                The future community can& may encourage& facilitate each newborn to accept that they want to be a human-being, in-order-to enjoy RHI. As they develop chronologically, take charge of acquiring the comprehension& intention to reliably live their person’s lifetime; to enter young, human-adulthood developing the individual opportunity, the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIOPEA) to develop humble-integrity. And to employ their HIOPEA for RHI rather than for a dependency (gaming welfare or religion or reason, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse). To know that their self-interest is to responsibly-pursue at each stage in life the happiness they perceive rather than subject their person to someone else’s vision for them. Therefore, all levels of education must reform. And journalism must accept its role to record humankind’s necessity& justice-discoveries according to the-ineluctable-truth---both the positive and the negative research results. That is, to recall the negative so as not to repeat it.

                Unlike the mare, whose foal can walk 1 hour after birth then find a tit in 3 hours, the mother must persuade the infant to relinquish her breast then care for the child through adolescence into young adulthood. And the dad must reliably support them for life---unto grandchildren and beyond. The human body does not complete the wisdom parts of the brain until a quarter century has passed, and it takes another few years to qualify for parenthood. Another quarter century adds the experiences&observations to affirm that RHI is in the person’ self-interest. A thoroughbred horse, with excellent encouragement&training will peak in 3 years. The human-being may mature in their 3rd or 4th quarter century. The metaphysics that the human being only uses 10% of their brainpower seems HIOPEA-neglect. The community must promote humble-integrity from physics rather than pride from reason or revelation. My wife and I asked our young-adult daughter, “Are you humble?”, and she responded “I-think I am humble”, leaving the judgement outside herself. Her response seemed to express RHI rather than religious belief.

Second, Genesis 1, perhaps 5,000 year-old Sumerian political philosophy, predates Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and some polytheisms. It predates neither secularism nor spirituality, and I'd like to know where the Sumerians came from. The Genesis-1 message seems more evidentiary political-philosophy than religion. The reporter depicts the-God that metaphysically informs companion-Gods (“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”) and female& male-human-being. Genesis-1 interpreters (first, Hebrew scholars about 3,000 years ago) construct diverse monotheisms and arrogate the-God character within the polytheism debates. Ever-expanding human-debate divides& distracts persons from the Genesis-1 message:  Humankind is independently responsible to develop order&peace on earth. In other words, religions seek a doctrinal-God that might usurp the independent-human responsibility. There seems to be no concern about hubris before the-High-God. Has any political group in history proposed a RHI culture? Yes: the 1787 U.S., as explained below.

              Third, no man, group, people, or institution knows the-High-God; nor that ultimate survival demands worship&praise more than RHI. The universe unfolding seems to conform to the-laws-of-physics and its offspring, like mathematics, biology, and psychology; physics. The origin could be potential energy, which leaves to mystery the initiation of its waning exchange with mass plus kinetic energy[vi]. Or maybe the cause is chaos, which I doubt as-much-as an entity with intelligence to befuddle the human-being. It seems prudent to retain sufficient humility toward the-High-God, even if a person develops mysterious hope& comfort against the-unknowns by pursuing a personal-God. Perhaps “the-God” is humankind’s ultimate RHI practice, or the ultimate-future posterity’s behavior. 

             Even so, there remains whatever constrains the consequences of posterity's ultimate RHI, be it the-High-God or physics.

The institution that influences the individual to adopt a-God-the-founders-constructed risks denying the-God that drives necessity&justice.  In Ur, human-sacrifice caused social chaos, so Terah and family including Abraham departed to seek comfort& hope by persuading their-God through animal sacrifice. They divided from fellow-citizens who might have hoped for reform. That is, the outcome might have been better if Terah had stayed to lobby for reform in Ur.

Sarah and Abraham followed ancient tradition and started a family through surrogate-intimacy with Hagar[vii]. The ménage à trois infidelity produced the jealous prediction: “[Ishmael] will be a wild donkey of a man . . . he will live in hostility toward all his brothers”.[viii] Spousal infidelity hurts all of present and future humankind.

 Beginning in Genesis 2, Hebrew scholars argued that their-God chose Israel to conform to their-God’s laws. They developed metaphysics when physics didn’t seem to satisfy the perceived-evidence. They didn’t anticipate that future instruments of perception would increase comprehension of the laws of physics and how to responsibly use them. Instead, their-God would provide them a messiah to lead their-God’s kingdom on earth.

During 70 AD to 400 AD, geo-political fellow-citizens felt alienated by some Jewish practices, such as male circumcision and designating outsiders “Gentiles”. Christians emerged with the belief that Jesus was the messiah. However, the-God intended the messiah for Jew and non-Jew alike, provided the believer followed Jesus’ teachings& example. Believers were elected by the Trinity: combining the influences of Jesus‘ father in heaven plus his spirit. Only Christians would inherit the kingdom of the-God.

Some Christians argued a divine Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: one entity with 3 functions. Others, such as Unitarians emphasized God-the-Father. Christian canon trace Jesus’ ancestry from Abraham through Isaac.[ix] However, the Apostle John and others report Jesus saying “Before Abraham was born, I AM.” Perhaps the historical Jesus asserted that he chooses not to usurp humankind’s opportunity& responsibility to provide order& prosperity on earth: Jesus does not coerce civic-people who independently develop both RHI and personal happiness.

Arabs maintained the Ishmael side of the Abraham debate, and during the seventh century AD, Muhammad founded Islam, featuring a view of Ishmael as the answer to Abraham’s prayer, "My Lord grant me a doer of good deeds".[x] They report Ishmael rather than Isaac the object of Abraham’s sacrificial challenge. [xi] I don’t object to fellow-citizens pondering that challenge. It’s one of the reasons I do not choose to be a Christian. I reject a God so weak as to tempt a person to sacrifice a child.[xii]

The competitive Abrahamic religions present alternative, controversial views of soul-salvation. Judaism justifies a people in an ideal Jerusalem, whether metaphysical or physical. Christianity proffers salvation to Jesus-believers, elected by the Father. Islam promises salvation through submission-to and internal-peace-toward Allah. Zoroastrianism promises heaven upon death, provided behavior is good, and suffering before-salvation, if not.[xiii] Other religions seem offshoots from non-theistic Abrahamic arguments. For example, Buddhism requires a teacher until the believer finds internal peace through enlightenment; then, the teacher can be ignored.  Ironically, individuals who reserve humility toward the-High-God, are called atheist or agnostic. Some atheists insist there is no High-God.

The Abrahamic religions seem to focus on the individual more than a group. However, none of the four religions reaches back to Genesis 1’s proposal for RHI that could include every female& male-human-being on earth. All four theisms proffer salvation from judgement by doctrinal-God from their construct, with little regard for the-God of the Bible and no attention to the-High-God. Only half the world’s population favors one of the Abrahamic-Gods, and few of them appreciate the-God, whatever it is. The phrase “attack on the God-given rights of tens of millions of Americans” is exclusive& divisive to “ourselves and our Posterity”, which seems obvious outside the U.S. What if the-High-God is humankind’s “ourselves and our Posterity” quoting the preamble to the U.S. Constitution? The competition for a God-construct that might usurp the-High-God-independence suggested in Genesis 1 confounds humankind’s achievable march to RHI.

Fourth, the above described increases in chaos on earth (groups debating the Abrahamic religions) were recorded between 3000 to 1700 years ago. The debates were confined to the Middle East then spread toward Europe, essentially neglecting RHI to humankind. Through the fourth century AD, competing Bible canon emerged on other continents --- Africa and Asia, for example. Books of the New Testament were listed in 331 AD and 367 AD. Protestantism developed its 1534-AD canon after Martin Luther. During the 490 years since Protestant canonization, humankind exponentially increased discovery& comprehension of the-ineluctable-truth, by researching the evidence. When anyone presents ineluctable-evidence that opposes a Bible quote, a frequent response is “Yes, but that’s Old Testament thought” as though their-God corrects the-God regardless of canon. The-High-God is not appreciated.

For example, neither the philosopher of Genesis 1 nor Martin Luther was aware that dinosaurs had died off 65 million years earlier.[xiv] Also, evolution theories had not emerged (Lemarck, 1809, and Darwin, 1859).

In 2022, civic-citizens, few as they may be, never lie, knowing that physics eventually un-hides the-ineluctable-evidence. Yet there seems to be a preponderance of liars in the U.S. and Europe, especially among the political class, past and present. It seems political skill is gaged by effective lying. Persuasive liars become alien-elites and pick the people's pockets with immunity.

Each morning, the earth’s 1,000 mph rotation on its axis un-hides the sun, hidden each evening in the earth’s shadow, yet the predominant expression is “the sun’ll come out tomorrow”. Some people prudently say “I don’t know” when they don't know; yet many pretend. 

Similarly, “in God’s image” may imply appreciation for the HIOPEA to develop civic-humble-integrity rather than offering unconditional love under religious pride. No culture encourages& facilitates RHI, suggested 5,000 years ago. Why? What holds humankind in limbo? I think each church, state, and church&state encourage fellow-citizens to think “divine birthright --- the rule of law” more than can& must conform to physics. Physics empowers happiness under necessity& justice to humankind, while spirituality suggests hope& comfort to believers.

Fifth, the emergence of monotheism came during “rule-of-law” development. Legal codes emerged 4,600 years ago with the Code of Urukagina[xv], which limits the power of priests. Skip to the British Empire: in Magna Carta, 1215 AD, the monarchy yielded the power to legislate by establishing Parliament, protected the Church from state, and left commoners less represented. “In 1295, Parliament evolved to include nobles and bishops as well as two representatives from each of the counties and towns in England and, since 1282, Wales.”[xvi]  The 1689 Bill of Rights expanded commoners’ property-opportunities and required a Protestant monarchy.

In 1763, King George started taxing loyal British colonists to pay debts from war with France. Americans in the 13 British colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America pleaded for relief from taxation meant to benefit fellow-subjects across the Atlantic. Nevertheless, the U.S. started operating under Anglo-American legal precedent and it’s been that way ever since. We the People of the United States accommodate Anglo-American elitism. Civic-citizens can& may reform to rule under the laws of physics rather than tyranny according to legal-opinion.

Sixth, America’s 24-year rebellion against English oppression led to the 1787 proposal to develop public discipline that, intentionally or not, comports to Genesis-1s RHI. That is, the people took sole responsibility to manage both their state and the union of states. The path to the U.S. citizen's reponsibililty is so encumbered it’s difficult to perceive, much less prove intentions to-follow Genesis-1. Colonialization had imposed on the USA not only fellow-subject-enslavement (by taxation to benefit the British Empire) but also the placement of African slaves here. Colonial-subjects had to manage slaves for the Empire’s benefit. Christianity, first Catholic then Protestant, too, justified African-slavery as “God’s way” to punish people for the sins of their ancestors.[xvii] It took centuries for thesse events to develop. It's eggregious that independent fellow-citizens accommodate alien-elites, domestic& foreign, granting them liberty as a lame substitute for the responsibility of independence.

The 1787 connection to Genesis-1 is perceived best by developing comprehension of the framed and signed Constitution with the personal goals: civic trust& commitment, public discipline, and amendability. Fellow-citizens are free to develop their choices, and those who accept& use the challenge perhaps join the entity We the People of the United States. In other words, U.S. citizens are divided on whether or not they have chosen to join We the People of the United States. That entity intends to amend the U.S. Constitution in-order-to advance statutory-necessity& justice.

Congressional-interference with the people’s access to Constitutional-amendment must be lessened. The power of alien-elites must be lessened.

At this moment, my interpretation of the (amendable) preamble to the U.S. Constitution for my personal guidance is:  Born a fellow-citizen, I choose to join We the People of the United States and aid 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, safety, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” establish& maintain responsible-human-independence (RHI) to “ourselves and our Posterity”.

My view of the preamble, above, predated my view of Genesis 1:26-28, which follows:  The-God of Sumer’s Godscreated mankind in his own image . . . male and female. [The-God] blessed them and said to them, ‘[Flourish and independently constrain chaos among living species on earth.]’” In the millinia since this RHI idea was expressed, cultures have attempted to construct a believed-God to usurp the individual human-being’s HIOPEA by which to choose humble-integrity rather than infidelity. Beyond Sumer's the-God, humility to the-High-God seems essential; maybe the-High-God is physics, maybe not.


I think James Madison was egregiously involved in the 1789 reversal of separation of church& state that the U.S. proffered in 1787. His position on church& state-separation changed radically from “Memorial&Remonstrance” (June 20, 1785)[xviii] to the religious clauses for the First Amendment, presented on June 8, 1789.[xix] I speculate that during that time Madison accepted the English-elite strength -- alien dominance over commoners through Chapter XI Machiavellianism.[xx] Church& state elites live high on the hog with immunity. But in Nicolo’s example, the Church prevails, ironically on “virtue”. I think civic-integrity will overcome Anglo-American-Chapter-XI-Machiavellianism. Egregiously, Madison the U.S. Representative failed to separate metaphysics and physics; mysterious soul and unique person; privilege and responsiblity.


We the People of the United States can& must end the pretense that RHI is not essential to civic-citizens and to the world even when mystery& spirituality happily comforts believing fellow-citizens. That is, some citizens want to pursue religion in their journey toward the humble-integrity needed for RHI.

Seventh, the USA’s 1776 declaration of war for independence seems to comport to Genesis-1, while accommodating church and state separately. Beginning in 1774, leading-colonists-against-British-taxation transformed to USA founders. Nova Scotia considered being a 14th rebelling colony but in the view of “these 13 Protestant colonies” held too much Catholic influence. The 1776 declaration of war against England did no disparage the English-Trinity (1689-reformed-Catholic-God). Authors claimed the right for war using John-Locke political-philosophy in “Nature and Nature’s God” and staked their political future on military-power: “the Supreme judge of the World”. In 1778, the founders negotiated military providence from France with financial backing from Spain. Thus, intentionally or not, the 1776 Declaration comports to the humble-integrity that is suggested in Genesis 1: the founders accepted& practiced RHI.

France with Spain's backing and America won the war in 1781, then 13 free&independent states negotiated&accepted England’s global recognition in 1784. Elites celebrated freedom-from English oppression as Lockean liberty more than USA-citizen’s responsible-independence. Public sentiment has been so led ever since: liberty celebrations have repressed independence and responsibility.

Eighth, from 1774 to May, 1787, the 13 states failed under the 1777 Articles of Confederation. Consequently, 12 states (Rhode Island dissenting) sent delegates to the Philadelphia convention to strengthen the union of states. Framers, the 55 delegates, displaced the founders and constrained the states in favor of “the good People”, quoting the 1776 Declaration. During the 4-months’ debates some delegates dissented, and only 39 framers became signers on September 17, 1787. 

Summarizing, the founders declared war against England, the framers designed&specified an amendable republican-constitution to aware, self-disciplined people in their states, and the signers codified the willing-fraction of We the People of the United State’s intentions: civic success rather than mysterious salvation.

Ninth, 5 days before signing, delegates revised the preamble from the framers’ simple statement that 13 states (ignoring the dissident state’s rebellion) ordain&establish a constitution, to:  The entity We the People of the United States have sovereignty and limit both the states and the Union.[xxi] Signers proposed, under amendable rule-of-law, the republican development of 5 public disciplines . . . “in order to” encourage&facilitate humble-integrity “to ourselves and our Posterity”. For the first time in history, a people proffered a proposal to develop civic RHI rather than civil dependency on either a mysterious God, a forceful government, or their partnership: to separate church and state.

Tenth, during the state ratifying conventions that followed, the-signers’ intentions lost to elected, Anglo-American political-tyrants’ designs. Nine states approved ratification on the commitment that the First Congress would mimic the 1689 English Bill of Rights (which requires a Protestant monarchy).

The first Congress unconstitutionally restored church-state partnership by 1) hiring Congressional chaplains and 2) contrived the First Amendment’s religion clauses. The clauses “authorize” Congress to impose civil-religious-pride rather than to encourage&facilitate individual& civic humble-integrity. Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court maintains the-rule-of-law under British-legal-precedent rather than according to the-ineluctable-evidence and the preamble.

Congress negated both the 1776 founders’ and the 1787 signers’ Genesis-1 affirmation: female&male-human-being is independently responsible for order&peace on earth. Congress arrogantly cites God to defy both the-God and the-High-God. I cringe each time I hear “. . . so help me God” or “In God We Trust,” or “. . . under God” instead of “under the-High-God” to express humble-uncertainty in deference to actual-reality if not fellow-citizens of the world. Even citing the-God could publically deny the RHI to serve an elected or appointed office. An officer parroting “God bless America” vainly distracts from Genesis 1’s blessing to flourish under RHI. “E Pluribus Unum” applies to Gods under the-High-God, whatever it may be. Unfortunately, We the People of the United States has accommodated& nourished 233 years’ chaos-increase on earth. The chaos-divergence may relate to 1956, when Congress approved the motto “In God We Trust” --- only 65 years ago.

Eleventh, the consequence of U.S. Congressional arrogance is devastating to fellow citizens and to the world.  Effects of Congress’s defiance of Genesis-1’s RHI, in-order-to favor Anglo-American religious pride, are in the U.S. underground literature. I cite 2 examples: 1600 years’ Christian culpability for the U.S. civil war and Mike Pence’s betrayal of the U.S. presidential ticket (the Pence Vice-presidency).

First, the U.S. has yet to accept that ancient arrogant-Christian opinion placed African slaves in the land, some of whom followed the Ethiopian Tewahedo Christian Church.[xxii] Perhaps “Tewahedo” is a modern adoption. African-Christians probably thought the-God must be black (in their skin-image---Genesis 1). The African-slave trade received erroneous papal approval; “. . . the treatment of ‘black Gentiles’ was addressed in 1452 and 1455, when Pope Nicolas V issued a series of papal bulls that granted Portugal the right to enslave sub-Saharan Africans.”[xxiii] Later, Spain received papal “approval”, and in the seventeenth century, Protestant European nations entered the competition. England, with its Liverpool ship-yard, dominated the Atlantic slave trade to America. Ironically, "Tewahedo" may suggest unity in Jesus by humankind.

In 1852, Frederick Douglass presented evidence that the framers proffered a Constitution for emancipating the slaves[xxiv] if the slave-states-dominance lessened from its original 8:5 majority. In 1856, R. E. Lee, ignorant of the Ethiopian canon and blind to Bleeding [white-abolitionist] Kansas, furthered erroneous European-Christian speculation that slaves suffered God’s anger for their ancestors’ sins.[xxv] Lee could have saved his family by moving to a non-slave state and being Lincoln’s general. The South Carolina declaration of secession contains the fateful claim “public opinion at the North has invested a great political error with the sanction of more erroneous religious belief”.[xxvi] The U.S. had the intentions to reduce the chaos of slavery. Secession to the Civil War caused the loss of lives in proportion to 8 million relative to the 2022 population. Each citizen, by accepting that they are a human-being rather than a skin-color, can&must reform the U.S. to RHI.

Second, Mike Pence’s apparent Christian-pride seems threatening to the faction We the People of the United States. On January 4, 2021, the Vice-President expressed each 1) perceived power due to “Jesus in his heart” (Jesus’s judgement or Pence’s?), 2) that Pence had President Trump’s back, and 3) that Trump/Pence voters will be heard on January 6, 2021. But January 5 is Georgia’s.[xxvii] However, on January 6, before the Senate met to vote, Pence issued defiance of the U.S. Commander-in-Chief, whose constitutional duty is to make certain U.S. laws are followed. Pence wrote: “. . . my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not.”[xxviii] Not appreciating a state’s alternative electors is a determination! Pence could have yielded-to the Commander-in-Chief’s constitutional duties, and thereby required the U.S. Supreme Court to consider the possibly-stolen presidential election.

Pence is not exempt from reading Genesis 1 and admitting to himself that Jesus may authenticate if not author Genesis 1. No man can witness for Jesus, especially Phil Beaver. That Pence may not be aware of Genesis-1’s RHI does not excuse ignorance of what seems self-evident: a human-being can&must constrain chaos in their way of living. If Pence perceives my Genesis-1 speculations may approach the-objective-truth, there’s no reason to lament the seeming Pence-error: there’s every incentive to come forth and lead reform to U.S. humble-integrity rather than defend religious-pride. To err is human: to reform is responsible. Unlike R. E. Lee, Pence has his opportunity to lead the U.S. to RHI. Likewise, the entity We the People of the United States has no incentive to lament the past yet every necessity& justice to reform to 1787’s achievable better intentions.

Defiance of the temporal U.S. Commander-in-Chief, based on personal beliefs about Jesus, invites chaos if not ruin. Just as Jesus could have handled Pontius Pilot releasing him, Pence could have been true to his presidential ticket and moreover to We the People of the United States. Of course, I do not know the-objective-truth about the event, so can only express my view. However, I advocate U.S. constitutional amendment to lessen future instances when We the People of the United States suffer because of an elected official’s religious-opinion. If a fellow-citizen cannot/will-not separate church and state, they ought-not be electable.

Twelfth, academia, intentionally or not, preserves truth-manipulation. The literature contains bountiful modifiers for both “truth” and “reality” such that no one knows what the other person refers to when they express “truth” or “the truth”. For example, celebrities don’t clarify the truth each one references when they discuss research reliability versus political claims.[xxix],[xxx]  In my work, I often face this semantic failing and use a phrase to express myself: the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. The article “the” lends specificity to ultimate perception of ineluctable-evidence. The hyphens invite the reader to not disassemble the phrase.

Until the instruments for ultimate perception have been invented, research conclusions may be prudently expressed as the-objective-truth. For example, an ancient, seafaring islander might respond to a landlubber’s comment that the earth is flat, “Maybe so, but when I’m sailing into the sun all day and the horizon seems curved, I wonder if it’s a big ball.”

In the seventeenth century scholars, without these specific phrases, did not perceive that the laws-of-physics and its progeny correct political lies. They constructed the doctrine that “nature” conforms to reason and felt enlightened. In 2021, lots of academic studies try to apply “natural law”[xxxi] to impose political opposition to the laws of physics. For example, if a person feels their gender is in the wrong body, some politicians propose to collect taxes and pay entrepreneurs to change the gender. The entrepreneurs take the money now and later apologize for their erroneous technology.

Thirteenth, by accepting& honing a possibility for an achievable, better U.S. future, Judicial Watch can effect a public relation’s campaign and Congressional lobbying that could establish, at last, the U.S. intention to develop a culture of public discipline “in-order-to “ encourage& facilitate the humble-integrity that is required for RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”. In the context of the preamble, no one knows the-good the ultimate We the People of the United States can achieve under “ourselves and our Posterity”s expressed intentions.

What can be done immediately?

The conservative movement can emphasize RHI assigned by necessity& justice rather than by mystery or doctrinal-Gods. The initial steps that can be taken include public-promotion and legislation-lobbying. I work every day to promote RHI, but reach only about 10 contacts a day. Those 10 may be repetitive and don’t seem to share/promote my messages, with a few exceptions.

If Judicial Watch commits to RHI, more lawyers can be assigned to develop legislation. Foremost is to amend the First Amendment so as to encourage& facilitate civic humble-integrity rather than civil religious-belief. Second, change election laws so that candidates who cannot/will-not share their opinion about the intentions of the preamble to the U.S. constitution and demonstrate behavior to aid its achievement are not likely to win election; simply requiring them to submit their statements as part of their platform could suffice. Third, change voter laws to require each: proof of citizenship, adult chronology, and proof of behavior that confirms understanding the U.S. RHI intentions --- RHI as expressed in the preamble. Fourth, reform U.S. education departments, local, state, and federal; hold them accountable to inculcate “to ourselves and our Posterity” acceptance of the self-interest in personally developing as a human-being with comprehension& HIOPEA to practice humble-integrity.

The amendment to the First Amendment would erase the Congressional freedom-of-religion that empowers alein-elites, domestic and foreign. I propose: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or [promoting] the free exercise thereof".

Mr. Fitton, I hope this letter wins your appreciation, and you consider my request: assign an appreciative lawyer to develop these principles for public use. I copied four fellow-citizens hoping they, with you, will improve my expressions. I appreciate your consideration and hope for a positive response.



Phillip R. Beaver

[1] I use hyphens to invite readers to not disassemble my phrases.

[2] I use the “e&s” syntax to express mutual dependency.

[3] The present generation yields to their posterity in discovering statutory justice for an unimaginable future. Thereby, the ultimate posterity will define the-good. Yet, posterity must reserve humility toward the-High-God, whatever that entity may be.

[i] I use N& N or V& V to express mutual dependency of the two nouns (sometimes verbs) in RHI-context.

[ii] Online at

[iii] Online at

[iv] Online at

[v] Online at

[vi] Einstein’s E=mC squared, where P=m+E+loss; E means kinetic energy, P means potential energy, m is mass, and C is a constant.

[vii] Think of ménage a trois as ancient technology for infertile women.

[viii] Genesis 16:12.

[ix] Matthew 1:1–17.

[x] Surah 37:100.

[xiii] Online at

[xiv] Online at

[xv] Online at and at

[xvi] Online at

[xvii] Online at

[xviii] Online at

[xix] Online at

[xx] Online at

[xxi] Online at

[xxv] Onlne at

[xxix] “Truth in the Balance”, online at

[xxx] “Can You Handle the Truth”, online at


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