My comments on 13 essays in National Affairs, No. 48, Summer 2021
In my fourth quarter century, I diligently listen, in order to influence
fellow-citizens to amend the First Amendment. The amendment should
encourage&facilitate responsible-human-independence, which requires unwavering
development of civic-humble-integrity rather than civil-religious-beliefs. The
most obvious objection to government advocating a doctrinal God or religious
institution such as factional-American-Protestantism, morphing to Judeo-Christianity,
more recently Judeo-Catholicism, with late entry by ancient
Ethiopian Tewahedo Christianity, is the human misery&loss civil religion
National Affairs, since I started subscribing in 2010,
opened my mind to a couple tyrannies by elected and appointed officials in the U.S.
government. Foremost is the imposition of English legal precedent through the
1791 U.S. Bill of Rights and beyond. It mimics England’s 1689 version, which made
constitutional a Protestant monarchy. Also, it’s common for the U.S. Supreme
Court to cite centuries-obsolete English precedent to impose wrong-opinion
regarding U.S. constitutional intentions.
Born into a Protestant family, my adolescent dicovered that my person trusts-in and is committted-to the-ineluctable-truth: I am comfortable saying "I don't know" and never was a Christian. But I am a student and do not know that the best of reports about Jesus are guidance for the human-being's life of necessity&justice.
Recently, in my quest to discover a defensible view of
Jesus, I produced enough arguments to consider that Jesus authored the
political philosophy that is abstractly proffered in Genesis 1:26-28. Taking
advantage of discoveries humankind has accomplished in the last few millennia,
I interpret that passage to say:
The species female&male-human-being can&must independently
provide order&fruitfulness to the other living species and to the earth. In
other words, neither the-God nor a government can usurp the human-individual’s
responsibility to constrain chaos in their way of living. When someone prays to
Jesus to take charge of their life, heal them, and provide them peace, they may
be rebuking the one who reportedly said both “Before Abraham was born I AM” and "Be perfect".
Accordingly, the 1776 Declaration of Independence seems literally correct: the colonists claimed authority on “Nature and Nature’s God” instead
of England’s reformed-Catholic Trintiy. That is, nature is physics and its progeny, and the-source is unknown. Also, the founders took human-responsibility in
1778 when they negotiated with France for the military providence that helped
defeat England.
Even more consistently, the framers created a representative
republic with providence for the people to amend the constitution. Over future
generations, “ourselves and our Posterity” can&must amend unjust laws, in
order to approach the statutory justice that is required for
order&fruitfulness. And only 5 days before 39 of 55 framers became signers,
they added to the preamble the intentions for 5 public disciplines ---
integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to”
encourage&facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our
Posterity”. Neither freedom, nor liberty, nor individualism, nor communitarianism
can substitute for the human-being’s opportunity&duty-to self, to develop
responsible-human-independence. Elected and appointed government officials are fellow-citizens who either share the opportunity&duty or choose to be aliens to female&male-human-being.
The above principles and more that emerge from them promise
an achievable-better-future in the U.S. and beyond. I think the current issue
of National Affairs provides a good forum to point to some of the benefits of a
U.S. reform to independence from both English legal precedents and civilly
imposed religious beliefs. The “ourselves and our Posterity” from today can
comport to Genesis 1, the 1776 Declaration, the 1787 Constitution, and pursuit
of statutory justice, leaving any spiritual pursuits to the psychologically-adult individual.
I hope my comments accelerate interest in
responsible-human-independence to the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity”. I think scholars have a responsibility to aid the entity We the People of the United States rather than comment on its problems wihout offereing viable solutions.
Jason Delisle and
Preston Cooper assert that Senator Sanders and President Biden omit the
subsidy-favors to the poor the U.S. already spends on college. The authors fail
to provide clarity regarding the extremity of the lie: how many subsidy dollars
contribute to college revenues? There’s some reporting in
for 2 year colleges and 4 year colleges, public and not-for-profit, of 22%,
27%, and 40% student-subsidy, respectively. By expressing so much they know,
Delisle and Cooper obfuscate the facts.
Steven Camarota
asserts that the U.S. citizens’ low birth rate is not a valid justification for
immigration. The immigrants are adults, and many enter the U.S. on welfare
benefits, exacerbating welfare and other budget problems. Camarota suggests
that social services ought to be managed on the receiver’s civic-integrity. (U.S.
birth rates are low because debt&chaos threatens posterity, and illegal
immigration exacerbates citizen-woes.)
Stephen Eide
reminds us that work fosters order&discipline in life. He abstractly
reminds us that a civic neighbor aids a self-helping fellow-citizen’s needs.
However, he leaves out of his formula a citizen’s accumulated contributions to
social-service costs. The person who has helped bear the burden for 50 years
ought to receive the best services when they need them. That is to say,
social-services ought not counsel death to an ill civic-citizen, in order to
help a habitually dependent person.
Current social services encourage&facilitate dependency
beyond sustainability. Unfortunately, Eide seeks to remedy the financial
imbalance by increasing the disciplined-citizen’s retirement age rather than
discouraging dependency. Also, Eide overlooks that disciplined citizens pay
Medicare tax their entire working life and maintain a supplement during
retirement. When Medicare payers age, Medicare-providers eggregiously attempt to counsel the
diligent-patient into Hospice --- unto death. Medicare payers are owed the best
of care, in order to give them the chance to defeat their illness, and ought not
be slighted for arbitrarily-dependent fellow-citizens and illegal aliens.
Some social service agents egocentrically punish people of responsible-human-independence. Such agents originate&encourage dependency. The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffered
public-discipline rather than dependency. “The principle of
justice-as-equality” --- even John Rawls’ justice-as-fairness --- enslaves the civic-citizen.
Mike Watson
compared historical outcomes with Hamiltonian industrial subsidies (to the
elites) vs Martin Van Buren tariff-protection to the American worker. His
analysis seems to affirm Donald Trump “America First” policy. Daniel Stid
(below) finds Trump’s allowance of COVID19 domestic-shutdowns lacking. Watson top-down complaint compliments Eide’s
point that work fosters order&discipline to the individual (above).
Keith Rothfus,
a former U.S. Representative, suggested “substantive, procedural, and
structural” reforms for the House of Representatives. Rothfus’s focus on detail
prevents attention to Congress’s tyranny: promoting their freedom&liberty
under the-God instead of practicing responsible-human-independence. I object to
anything but cost reducing reforms to Congress and otherwise oppose the tyranny
of civil religious-beliefs imposed by legislators. Metaphysics has no place in
U.S. legislation.
Early in the essay, Rothfus expressed a Christian view in
support of Anglo-American tradition. His idea of “founders” negates the 1787
Constitutional framers and signers. The signers proffered political
independence from England with a representative republic founded in public
discipline in integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, leaving
religion in privacy “to ourselves and our Posterity”.
It is not surprising that a Democrat unseated Rothfus. The
era of Christian dominance in the U.S. is finished: It is time for conservatism to reform to
responsible-human-independence rather than attempting to cajole the-God into
usurping humankind’s duty to establish peace. This principle is abstractly
stated in Genesis 1:26-28.
Mark Strand and
Timothy Lang describe the Supreme Court’s errors, now precedent, to defeat
the legislative non-delegation principle, then label the reform “making
legislators do their job”, as though justices have done theirs. They credit
John Locke with the delegation principle and trash Locke’s “the law of
[the-God] and nature” as reasonable rather than essential. They don’t notice
that the founders improved Locke’s notion to “Nature and Nature’s God” to
declare independence from the Englishman, Locke, yet avoid confronting the
reformed-Catholic Trinity that was common to loyal colonists. Tory,
Anglo-American loyalty suppresses U.S. political&legal independence in
Positively, the Strand&Lang sentence from “Excessive
control of the legislative process . . . plague today’s Congress . . . “
collaborates with Rothfus’ reforms. But Strand&Lang neglect their opportunity
to suggest a way to “preserve the people’s power, which is not Congress’s to
give away”. My first suggestion is to restore the 1787 U.S. intentions,
starting with amendment of the First Amendment so as to
encourage&facilitate civic humble-integrity rather than promote civil
religious-opinion. Next, replace rule of law under English precedent with
necessity&justice grounded in the-ineluctable-evidence.
Phillip Wallach
presents a brief history of England’s Parliament in order to express U.S.
Congress’s history. However, such attribution to English tradition --- from
“the mother country” --- does no service to U.S. independence. The U.S. culture
cannot be healed before it is established; the constitution’s signers, intended
civic-discipline “to ourselves and our Posterity”, leaving religious discipline
or none to adult privacy.
Between 1763, 1781,
and 1787, the U.S. separated from England, morphed from colonies to
dysunctional free&independent states, then to the disciplined people in
their democratic states holding a republican union accountable. But in 1789
Congress diverted U.S. political independence by restoring or mimicking England’s
church-state partnership.
It does no U.S. service to equate the loyal British subjects
who became America’s 1763 “founding fathers” to either the 1787
representative-republic’s framers or the September 17 signers. And the First
Congress was too adolescent --- had too many Tory members --- to uphold the
1787 republicanism against restoration and now preservation of Anglo-American
Wallach points out that founding concerns over taxation
without representation influenced establishment of a republic but trashes
Abraham Lincoln’s dream: [public discipline] of-by-&for the people. Discipline
by the people is effected by constitutional amendment. But Lincoln did his own
trashing by erroneously elevating the 1776 Declaration at the expense of the
1787 Constitution, which was written to accommodate the abolition of slavery. Wallach cites a 1789 angst “is not the daily revenue
escaping us?” without accepting that Congress has imposed $30 trillion debt “to
us and our Posterity”: America’s children’s revenue is escaping them before
they are born! Scholarly disregard for the preamble to the U.S. Constitution is
appalling in the year 2021. The entity We the People of the United States must
hold scholars as well as Congress accountable.
Conservative scholars can&must reform, with alacrity,
from constructs that attempt to preserve national Christianity, and accept
Genesis-1’s suggestion that the-God cannot (without self-contradiction) usurp
responsible-human-independence. Otherwise, the current development of
individual&common dependency will destroy the republic
and democracy, without notice. Obviously, I don’t think it’s too late for
reform to responsible-human-independence, the abstract-intention of the 1787
U.S. Constitution. The Constitution can be amended to conform to its preamble.
And the preamble can be revised to replace bestowal of liberty with pursuit of
Benjamin Zycher,
after exacerbating popular attention to science, a method of research for
discovery, makes a much needed point that fiscal conservatives can earn the
label “global-warming realists” rather than “deniers”. But discovery, by researching
the-ineluctable-evidence, is not the pseudo-reality of “scientific basics”.
Conservatives can&must encourage&facilitate
responsible-human-independence, both individually and collectively, accepting
the 2021 responsibility “ourselves and our Posterity”. Zycher starts a
discussion he ought to expand. For example, the earth is overrun with people, and
Steven Camarota’s point that low birth rate does not justify immigration is
another global-warming reality. Low birth rate reflects concern for posterity.
And accepting that the population overrun fractionally adds to historic
planetary-atmosphere temperature-cycles does not come with viable options for
control. It’s much like saying we’re going to cut all funds for hurricane
relief in order to develop the technology to control hurricanes. Or cut funds
for wildfire relief and dead-wood removal, in order to manage forests for
maximum CO2 control.
Conservatives can&must let go of “Judeo-Christian” civil-imposition,
in order to favor civic-disciplines for independent-responsibility --- the
intentions of the 1787 framers when they assigned religion to privacy.
Humankind works to discover the laws of physics and its progeny and how to
responsibly employ them: religion’s metaphysics encourages dependency
rather than responsibility. Zycher plays into the left’s popular strength: he
unnecessarily publishes their propaganda, when he could independently assert
that human-fiscal
conservativism is the party of reliable research&development.
Conservatives can&must focus on humankind rather than civil-religion.
(Interpret Genesis 1:26-28, applying 5,000 years of research&delelopment
rather than the ancient perspective regarding the-source-of-existence, leaving
any cause for future discovery.)
James M. Patterson
expresses “wokeness” in 2021 as “secular”, not admitting to himself that
“secular” is in the mind of the religious-believer; not in the non-religious
independent’s mind. Merriam-Webster online (MW) for “secular” has, in
my modification: indifference-to or rejection-of or exclusion-of religion and
spiritualism. To call the rejection of religion a faith is to deny the
accelerating decline in Christian practice. (That’s not to imply that there are
no independent-Jesus-essence-practitioners
in their brief journey.) It’s to imagine that the politically-crafty Nancy
Pelosi is not doomed by ignoring papal admonishment regarding the
woman’s physical&psychological authority regarding being pregnant or not.
Conservatives too, can focus on responsible-human-independence rather than
civil-imposition of religious-opinion.
The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffered a culture of five
public-disciplines, “in order to” encourage&promote”
responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”, leaving
religion/none as a private, adult choice.
In my birth-community, 1940s to 1960s wokeness was dictated as
“the Christian thing to do”. I couldn’t articulate it then; I wondered where
Jesus fit in Christianity. Christians can express their-Christianity, but no
human-being can witness for Christ, a mystery to which Genesis 1:26-28’s
political philosophy can be reasonably attributed. Youths such as young Phil
Beaver, who were more influenced by physics and its progeny, did not
understand that “Nature and Nature’s God” was enlightenment’s rebellion not only
against England’s reformed-Catholic Trinity, but against the-ineluctable-truth. MW
reports “ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”.
When Christian-leaders like Mike Pence cannot remain
faithful to their own presidential ticket, conservatives need to realize they
are failing the entity We the People of the United States. Some civic-citizens
are arbitrarily, unconstitutionally ending Congress’s imposition of
civil-religious-beliefs in order to practice civic-humble-integrity. (And some
Democrats rebuke the Christianity they claimed.) That does not imply that conservatives cannot
reform to Gensesis-1’s responsible-human-independence, which neither the-God
nor government can usurp.
To the citizen who is alert to Genesis-1s responsible-human-independence,
ending political-dominance by U.S.-unconstitutional church-state partnership is
welcome relief from errant, Christian-wokeness: and English tradition imposed
on the U.S. by Congressional tyranny and errant justices.
Philip K. Howard
typically places the responsibility for reform where it can&must happen:
with the individual-citizen. But also typically, he offers the people no path
for ending the chaos. He reports “A 2019 . . . poll found that [2/3] of
Americans support ‘major structural changes’ to our government.” What changes? Howard’s
solution conforms to Genesis 1: 26-28: the human-being can&must take
responsibility for their job performance. The days of massive rule-making and
licensing by government bureaucrats must end with alacrity. But Howard takes
the scholarly tack of lamenting government-bestowed “freedom” rather than human
authority: independence.
Howard opens the right topic but misdirects it with “But
fear of human judgement has an almost theological power.” Based on sayings
attributed to him, Jesus is the author of Genesis 1:26-28. For example, “before
Abraham was born I AM”, “render unto Ceasar . . . “, “Be perfect as [the-God]
is perfect”, and “Let your yes be yes . . .”.Consequently, fellow citizens who
follow Congress’s civilly-imposed-religion: dependency on the-God, perhaps rebuke
Jesus. Genesis 1 demands responsible-human-independence.
Howard exacerbates the chaos when he approves the left’s
claim to “modern democracy” when the U.S. is a representative republic that proposes
public discipline in order to establish responsible-human-independence “to
ourselves and our Posterity”. So far, the entity We the People of the United
States is letting the opportunity for responsible-independence dissipate.
The 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” can&must reform
all education departments so as to inculcate responsible-human-independence to
both youth and adults. Without sacrificing individual-student acquisition of
comprehension&intention to develop a complete human-person, educators
can&must facilitate a culture of responsible-human-independence, rather
than “training the workers we need”.
Thus, each child and adult must receive
encouragement&facilitation to accept that they are a human-being; that each
human-being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual
authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity rather than nourish the
dependency they were born with; that self-interest demands
responsible-human-independence rather than pursuit of a higher power. Neither
an ideology, or government, or the-God can usurp the individual’s choice to
neither initiate nor accommodate injury to or from their person at each
decision point in life. Reliability in this intent leads to perfection of their
unique person before death. With 2/3 of fellow-citizens developing their
culture of responsible-human-independence, and achievable-better-future will
become visible.
The people can&must demand education reform.
Daniel Stid
asserts that global forces are defeating American statesmanship, then
erroneously resorts to Anglo-American principles to define statesmanship. Stid
writes “. . . elites of Virginia and Massachusetts . . . bore the cultural
imprint of England’s aristocracy” and lost to populist Andrew Jackson, leaving
“American statesmen unable “to educate the public on the virtues of the
constitutional system or the responsibilities of self-governing” (an English distraction
from self-discipline). Adding to the problems, Alexander Hamilton had favored
what Stid or his source, Storing, calls “scientific management” (with favor to
the wealthy). Jimmy Carter tried to combine populism and scientific management,
with disaster, and Trump was no better at it, allowing the COVID19 shutdowns.
Stid’s essay is another scholarly focus on the past, for
scholarly consideration. There’s no application for the people’s future. It is
well known that errors of the past accumulate. Misery comes suddenly with no
The scholar can easily develop the metaphysics that Jesus is
the author of Genesis 1:26-28. Genesis 1 assigns to female&male-human-being
the responsibility for order&fruitfulness to the living species and to the
earth. The male has no authority regarding the female’s decision to remain
pregnant or not. And infidelity creates chaos rather than order.
Skipping 5,000 years of human discovery, the founders, in
1763 were alert to their English-enslavement for markets, taxes, and
African-slave management. They rebelled, and in 1776 declared war, claiming
authority of “Nature and Nature’s God” rather than the English,
reformed-Catholic Trinity so many colonists worshipped. In 1778, they
negotiated military-providence from France. The founders managed victory for
independence but could not achieve domestic unity.
In 1787, framers met and without transparency developed a
constitution predicated on public discipline and provisions for amendment to
lessen injustice. Civic-citizens would manage their state constitutions as well
as the national republic. In the last 5 days, the signers agreed to a preamble,
revised to include a statement of intentions. The disciplines were integrity,
justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” develop
responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. They
intentionally left religious discipline or none to adult privacy.
The humble-integrity for responsible-human-independence the
civic U.S. citizen needs is proffered in three documents: Genesis 1, the 1776
Declaration, and the 1787 Constitution. Humble-integrity is a cause that can
inspire and motivate a statesperson.
Stid presents 5 objectives for future statesmanship, which I
adapt as follows: 1) ground citizens in reality, 2) defend our political
system, 3) restore “E Pluribus Unum” [and apply it to doctrinal-Gods&none],
4) appreciate history, and 5) be crafty statesmen. I think reality is
discovered through the-ineluctable-evidence, which the rule of legal precedent
obfuscates. Also, U.S. political intentions, proffered in the 1787
Constitution, has not begun to establish independence from Anglo-American
tradition, especially church-dominance of state issues. Appreciating history
means accepting that neither the-God nor government can usurp the individual&collective
human-responsibility for order&fruitfulness to the living species and to
the earth. And appreciating history means reading the documents it left rather
than scholarly commentary on the documents plus applying recent discovery so
that living citizens can avoid mistakes of “the founders”. The reform needed in
2021 is monumental, and the civic-citizens of the U.S. have the power, the
energy, and the authority (HIPEA) to accomplish it.
M. Anthony Mills
presents an egregious, baffling Anglo-American affirmation. That is to say, his
essay extols English imposition on U.S. politics, by traditional domestic
accommodation or “tolerance”. For example, freedom and liberty as American
ideals obfuscates U.S. intentions: responsible-independence. Independence means
neither individualism nor communitarianism; it means taking responsibility to
constrain chaos during the development&perfection of a unique human person.
Thus, Mills’ early sentence, “Central to liberalism is the notion of liberty as
freedom from constraint” refutes the necessity of economic-independence, which
he emphasizes later. In general, physics&progeny constrains
Like so many prestigious scholars, Mills is writing for the
elites. It is past the appropriate time for “ourselves and our Posterity” to
find a cause as vital as winning independence from England was in 1763 through
1781, when France delivered the military providence the Continental army
needed. This time, the entity We the People of the United States has the
opportunity to establish responsible-human-independence. The first step is to
rid ourselves of the burden inherited from England: church imposition accommodated by Congress.
We can&must start by amending the First Amendment so as to
encourage&facilitate civic-humble-integrity rather than
Republicanism cannot succeed as long as elected
representatives seek to preserve tradition rather than to aid
responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. The citizen
who cannot produce evidence of their aid to the state U.S. intentions ought not
be licensed to vote, let alone run for election to local, state, or federal
office. A scholarly essay ought to state what the author has done to aid
Andy Smarick
would have us grow accustomed to some 25 forms of political lying.
Interestingly, his essay does not include the words integrity, insinuation,
equivocation, and insult. My guess is that Smarick honestly does not comprehend
integrity, wherein a person claims “I don’t know” when that is so. Smarick
seems to advocate public accommodation of “deception risk”: 16 ways from
authoritative officials, 4 more from responsible parties like the media, 2 more
from provocative citizens, leaving only 3 rejected risks, including the lie.
Smarick seems to be writing for scholars; the public has trouble discerning
science and research, misled by scholars in this issue. Where does that
deception fit in Smarick’s chosen 25? Would we citizens be better off with
Smarick’s selection of only 10 expressions to judge?
Smarick missed the opportunity to show interest in the
entity We the People of the United States by suggesting clarity regarding
“truth”. My suggestion is “the-ineluctable-truth”. The hyphens suggest that the
scholar who dismisses one word from the phrase stonewalls the offered debate.
For example, “ineluctable-truth” may or may not represent the research to
discover “the-ineluctable-truth”. And Merriam-Webster informs us that
“ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Therefore,
another phrase is needed when the-ineluctable-evidence is not fully understood,
perhaps because the necessary instruments of perception have not been invented.
When that is so, it is prudent to express “the-objective-truth” so as to
appreciate the unknown. For example, ancient seamen could observe curvature of
the horizon and suspect the landlubber’s insistence that the earth is flat.
Invention of the telescope confirmed that the planets are like globes.
Unfortunately, Smarick did not offer an equivalent to
the-ineluctable-truth or better. He accommodates human reason with an array of “truth”
modifiers: literal, underlying, precise,
absolute, their, more, the, general, poetic, specific, whole, and
straightforward. The reader may wonder: Is my truth cast aside?
I don’t know the ineluctable-truth, but write all the time
and wish I had feedback from readers at their psychological moment in the
pursuit of the responsible-happiness they currently perceive. I hope my frank opinion
comes across as different although not new, rather than stonewalling condescension
or such. If not, I apologize and would like to know an offense so that I can
correct it.
I enjoyed my wife’s patience to read my writing before I
published it. Sometimes, she said things like, “That’s typical of your views,
but I would not publish it.”
I asked, “What’s the sentence that invoked that statement.”
She responded. I read and said, “I wouldn’t publish
that either” and fixed it.
In commenting on these essays, I have expressed my views and affirm that I do not know the-ineluctable-truth. I read, write, speak, and LISTEN, in order to discover expressions that appeal to fellow-citizens’ experiences&observations and thereby seem reliable enough to be worthy of their consideration for improvement. I seek improvement in substance foremost and celebrate changes to my errant opinions. I appreciate suggestions --- negative comments to consider and positive ones to adopt or amend for more discussion.
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