Saturday, March 23, 2024

Resolve global chaos using 3 principles

 Resolve global chaos from Baton Rouge on 3 principles practices:

1.       Pursue the ineluctable truth.

2.        Accept the humility (power and authority) that is expressed in Genesis 1:26-28’s* message: humankind may and can rule on earth. *either New International Version or Complete Jewish Bible

3.        Mirror Jesus’ civic influence, heard in the voices and seen on the faces of civic** citizens: you can perfect personal practice of Genesis 1:26-28.

*message: humankind may and can rule on earth. *either New International Version or Complete Jewish Bible

*Civic means reliably responsible to the good rather than accommodating the bad in human connections and transactions.


·         Published in 1570s, competing with “inescapable” (Figure 1, below)

·         Published with “truth” in 1906 (Figure 2)

o   Usage on the rise and needs our boost

·         Civic people may and can deny judges power and authority to change ineluctable evidence.


Genesis 1:26-28, NIV or CJB

·         Mesopotamian (Sumer) polytheistic political philosophy -- originated law codes

·         Semitic-speaking faction transitioned to competitive monotheism and no human sacrifice

o   Developed blood sacrifices with animals and birds

·         A faction, Israel, added Moses’ law and sacrificial systems including blood, animals, birds, incense, grains, and oils. (I don’t know about modern Israel’s sacrifice systems if any.)

o   Invasions and other events divided the 12 tribes.

o   Factions predicted an anointed one would unite the tribes.

o   Jesus understood Moses’ law and lessened some flaws.

o   A Hebrew faction deemed Jesus, the anointed one, improved Moses’ law.

o   A faction opposed circumcision to affirm commitment to the good (thegod and the law).

o   Some messianic Hebrews proposed to open the system to willing gentiles.

·         A gentile faction proposed salvation of souls more than persons, and imposed on Yeshua the title “Christ”. Descendants replaced human sacrifice to idols with personal sacrifice to Christ.

·         Roman emperor Constantine saw political power by imposing the Christ movement.

·         The world is now divided 31% Christian, 0.2% Jewish, and 25% Muslim; its people are held hostage by the 56% competitive monotheistic institutions that originated in Mesopotamia.

·         The Bible is interpreted in languages covering 90% of the world’s inhabitants.


Yeshua's civic influence repressed by New Testament writers about "Jesus"

·         Appreciate Mary and Joseph finding their 12-year-old son talking with rabbis:  “And Yeshua grew both in wisdom and in stature, gaining favor both with other people and with God” (Luke 2:52, CJB). That’s “ye shoo a” -- short e, accented oo almost u, and short a, Joshua in English.

·         I want to honor but don’t know his family name, so raise the question then settle for “Jesus”.

·         However, I will not impose the title “Christ”, which is arrogant toward most Hebrews’ hopes.

·         I perceive no problem with civic people thinking theirgod chose them, even though I think theirgod may be humble to thegod. If thegod is actually real, “may” changes to “ought-to”.

·         Similar appreciation can be mutual with Muslims, who also look to Jesus for aid to the good.

·         Thus, 56% of competitive monotheism may and can, together, offer relief to the world’s 44% other fellow citizens, most of whom are civic citizens rather than dissidents, rebels, or villains.



·         I write on 3 blogs that are read worldwide. There’s current heavy interest in Hong Kong and Singapore, less in US and Israel, some in 7 other countries. The media suppress my blogs.

·         Letters to congresspersons, the Speaker, and state representatives

·         Answer questions on; comment on The Epoch Times, LibertyLaw, and FaceBook.

·         I participate in University Baptist Church as a friend, stating I am neither Baptist nor Christian, rather am an advocate for Yeshua’s civic influence, voiced as Jesus’ civic influence.

·         The Louisiana Education non-profit corporation I founded, A Civic People of the United States, stopped when COVID interrupted library meetings. Work since then is applicable.

·         My greatest opportunity to learn is in conversation with civic strangers. Not being in their church or political party, they talk freely on topics I cautiously open.

Updated on April 30, 2024

Copyright©2024 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included. 

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