Sunday, August 7, 2022

Abortion and the-laws-of-physics

 Civic-people can& may weigh “abortion” respecting the-laws-of-physics

 Despite arbitrary court-opinion, the-laws-of-physics and its offspring, including biology& psychology, constrain human reproductive-choice. Promising-procreation begins when a viable ovum in a healthy-woman’s body is inseminated by a healthy-man’s spermatozoon.

Reason without physics invites ruin, because sex-technologists have not yet discovered their errors. Sex-technology-consumers invite loss& misery. Religion has no standing to avoid, change, or resist physics' consequences when humans make choices.

          The Catholic Church egregiously partitions humankind’s benefits from the-laws-of-physics when it edicts that human life begins at conception. The authentic woman’s psychological preparation for conception begins long before her puberty, because physics holds her solely responsible to her embryo to make the decision to remain pregnant or not, no matter when physics' consequence of choice presents her dreadful-dilemma. She has sole discretion as to whether to seek collaboration or not in her choice to remain pregnant. No anecdotal societal-experience can subtend the challenge she faces. The U.S. Supreme Court has the duty to apply the-laws-of-physics in assuring that legislation meets the goals of the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

Respecting physics, odds of an ovum getting the chance to become an embryo are miniscule. Chance of the embryo to attach to the uterus, be gestated, and born into infancy is small. For a child to transition to an adult takes a quarter century, and psychologically mature human-beings are rare. This is so, because, so far, no civilization has accepted& appreciated the constraints of physics and researched beneficial applications. Too many cultures wait for their-God or government to usurp human responsibility.

Humankind’s duty is to pursue order& prosperity to life on earth. Success requires political philosophy that accommodates the-laws-of-physics. When the-laws-of-physics are unknown, humunkind, in necessity& justice, can& may admit:  We don't know.  

Responsible-human-independence (RHI)

Based on experience& observations so far, newborn infants could& should transition to young adults who develop civic-integrity. Most don’t. “Civic” refers to reliability in human connections& transactions more than to conformity under civilization, coercion, or force. However, so far, not one civilization advises adolescent and adult choices in order to enhance the ovum’s chance for conception, perhaps to become a person and develop maturity.

A political philosophy that fosters practice, facilitation, and encouragement of civic-integrity empowers individuals to develop responsible-human-independence (RHI). The civic-citizen responsibly pursues the happiness they perceive rather than submits to a way of living someone else envisions for them, or worse, simply drifts into misery. Civic-citizens earn their way of living and also pay tax for statutory justice by which to constrain dependent fellow-citizens to consider reform to RHI and to aid fellow-citizens who cannot alone develop independence.

The maturing person is independent of both internal and external prejudices, and as life progresses continually increases their ability to civically apply the-laws-of-physics.

An RHI culture
The civic-society funds the research to discover beneficial applications. But some individuals misappropriate civic-society’s discoveries, intending to pursue power over accommodating fellow human-beings. The politically powerful alien-elites does all it can to bemuse fellow-citizens in every generation in order to pick public pockets with immunity. The civic-society develops statutory-justice by which to constrain the tyrant’s and other dependent’s intentions to subjugate vulnerable or gullible fellow-citizens. But so far, civic-citizens, We the People of the United States, has not come forth.

Nevertheless, during their first quarter century, the newborn can& may use their unique mental capacity to comprehend ways of living and choose a responsible path in their own self-interest. Each person is born into a particular community. Caretakers have diverse lifestyles, some with dependencies such as arbitrary religious beliefs, indolence, crime, tyranny, and evil. Fortunate is the infant who, in this confused and conflicted world, perceives civic-integrity and acquires personal-intention to develop RHI.

In a civic society, discovered laws-of-physics are journaled in the codes of statutory justice. Our code is the U.S. Constitution, complete with errors and bad intentions, such as preservation of Anglo-American tradition. Congress legislates the laws, and the 1787 U.S. intention is to develop statutory justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”. What has civic society discovered about human, individual power?

First, the human-being can and may choose their lifestyle. However, physics constrains human-beings, especially those who develop dependent practices. For example, habitual intoxication fosters dependency rather than RHI. Early pregnancy invites bureaucratic provisions rather than earned choices. Arrogant-religion prevents humility toward the-High-God, whatever that entity may be.

Locating abortion within human biology

At any moment, there are many viable ova being produced by women’s bodies. In the U.S., of 800 million ova/year, only 10 million attach to the pregnant-woman’s womb. No one knows how many conceptions pass, unnoticed, from the pregnant woman’s body because the embryo failed to attach to the womb. I speculate failures exceed the 10 million attachments. Only 4 million infants are delivered and survive the neonatal period. Pregnant women abort about 1 million conceptions per year, for reasons the woman may comprehend. Within physics’ requirements to the woman, the abortion decision seems a 1 in 800 consideration. With such proportions, cruelty to the pregnant woman should not be the norm.

We know that it takes a quarter century for the human body to complete the wisdom-building parts of the brain. If, in a quarter century an infant develops the intention to civic-integrity, perhaps another 10 years of experience and observations position the adult to care for offspring. A monogamous man might be mature enough to successively -- father a child at age 35; practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI to the child for 35 years before grandchildren are born; then give grandchildren the benefit of elder maturity from the grandfather’s age 70 forward. The typical lifetime, 85, permits the man 15 years with the first grandchild.

Consider the possibility of the reproduction cycle reduced from 35 years to 15 years, 20 years earlier than readiness for parenting. In that case, an 85 year-old might head a family with 6 generations. The human-being can& may so procreate. However, a civic-culture offers guidance for an achievable better future. 

Family monogamy

A grandparent-dream is to share with their grandchild the joys& rewards of family-monogamy for life. That is, fidelity to each member of the family, whether 2 or more, until death interrupts the commitment. Monogamous experience is not possible in promiscuity. That is to say, promiscuity prevents couples from experiencing the joys of monogamy. Hopefully the grandparents’ exemplary singularity is sufficient to motivate RHI.
            Sometimes, dialogue is needed. Too few family members experience essential dialogue.

            A modern eleven-year old tells their grandad, “PaPa, I want to know what love is.”

PaPa answers with a question: “Why do you ask what love is?”

The child answers, “My friends& I watched video-music, and it excited me to be with one of the girls there.” (See

PaPa says, “Oh. It seems we need a long talk. A talk about relationships and what I have learned in my 81 years and 55 years with MaMa. Human life requires choices, as the-laws-of-physics and offspring, biology and psychology, unfold to every generation. The demands of living wait for no one. Only the people who make informed choices thrive like your mom& dad. They are achieving the personal singularity I hope you notice in MaMa and me. Do you notice that MaMa and I have individual interests yet collaborative living?”

PaPa waits for the answer that will direct the conversation. Without regard for the number of sessions the conversation may require, the ultimate goal is to discuss enjoyable appearance, constrained touch, and unseen hormonal attractions -- to be resisted if not avoided, until long after their viable mate is known. By viable-mate, I mean that appreciated someone who shares intentions for family-monogamy-for-life and with whom reliable relationship seems possible.

Widespread awareness of this grandparent-service when requested by the grandchild could help achieve a better future to humankind.

U.S. culture not very successful after 1787 constitutional convention

In the U.S., about 50% of American adults are married and 45% of marriages end in divorce. About 25% of divorced people remarry, and divorce-chances in 2nd or 3rd marriage is 60% or 73%, respectively. About 25% of American households are single-parent. Perhaps 10% of marriages are monogamous for life. It seems change could facilitate an achievable better future, with more men realizing the grandfather’s dream.

Justice Samuel Alito and colleagues should have recognized male self-interest in monogamy-for-life before now. Instead, Alito exudes hubris, imposing Catholic doctrine that ignores both the ova waiting to be conceived, the women who generate the ova, and the men, too many of whom who erroneously expect their-God to usurp their RHI opportunity.

Men are not taught the grandfather’s dream: serenely, confidently sharing experiences& observations when a grandchild asks life’s most precious question: Is love more important than appreciation? We can& must change that. 


The abortion question is complicated. The U.S. Constitution is specified so as to resolve difficult civic-issues in a deliberate pursuit of statutory justice. The civic-citizens, We the People of the United States, currently favor abortion. The above analysis shows it to be a matter of physics rather than legal opinion. The decision to foist Catholic-Church doctrine on women in states that legislate against abortion is mean, cruel, erroneous, and ought to be reversed. 


Without my wife and children I could not articulate these ideas. Beyond them, I cannot think of the many influences in 20 years of writing to establish my opinion: abortion, an unfortunately-pregnant-woman-responsibility is an outcome of civilization that, so far, has not articulated the individual self-interest of family-monogamy-for-life. At least, I am influenced by the Bible, by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s writing especially “Self-Reliance” and “Divinity School Address”. By Plato. I could not overlook Leonard Cohen’s “Dance me to the End of Love”. His “the children who are asking to be born” became “ova waiting to be conceived”. Bob Dylan’s, “With God on Our Side”, reminded me of Genesis 1:28s RHI rather than dependency. I appreciate discussions with Chris Nalepa and Vaughn Crombie, each a grandfather.


Copyright©2022 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included. Updated on August 19, 2022.

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