Monday, September 26, 2022

Comprehension& intention to develop human being (verb)

 Speech outline


1.       Who is Phil Beaver?

a.       Married in 53rd year with 1 wife& 3 children, one deceased

b.      I do not accept any God that perceives such weakness as to threaten my person.

                                                               i.      My parents were such good providers I attempted to accept their competitive-Protestant-religions for 4 decades.

                                                             ii.      My precious Louisiana-French-Catholic wife aided my self-discovery.

                                                            iii.      I trust-in& commit-to the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable” means: not to be avoided, changed, resisted, or neglected. I accept “I don’t know” what I don’t know.

c.       Young father of 3, I avidly pursued 2 questions:

                                                              i.      What does it mean to pursue being human (verb)?

                                                            ii.      What can& may “U.S. citizen” mean to a human-being (noun)?

d.      Reacting to homo sapiens, the 300,000 years old humankind,

                                                               i.      I promote the-metaphysical-Jesus, which is the-good that each generation and their posterity can& may discover from Jesus’ impact over time. For example, we know to appreciatively inform a friend we think they are in error, so the matter can be cleared up, whether our perception is right or wrong.

                                                             ii.      Jesus, divine or not, influences statutory-justice respecting the laws of physics (PHYSICS). PHYSICS constrains the consequences of personal choice.

                                                            iii.      The U.S. Constitution intends government that pursues statutory-justice.

e.      I retired in 2001 after 35 years’ chemical engineering service to one company.

f.        In 2015, I founded “A Civic People of the United States”, a Louisiana non-profit education corporation.

2.       Being human (verb) is a pursuit that is older than the ancients

a.       Just as the ancients invented the research leading to U.S. plans to place a nuclear reactor on Mars in 15 years, ancients developed plans to constrain chaos on earth. Moral progress slowed during the last 10,000 years.

b.      In my abstract view, Genesis 1:28, a Sumerian political philosophy, suggests that humankind, solely, can& may pursue comprehensive-safety& security on earth (SECURITY). That is, neither God nor government can usurp the human duty: SECURITY.

c.       Each human-being has the opportunity, the power, the energy, and the authority (AUTONOMY) to constrain chaos in their way of living. The ones who constrain chaos I call civic-citizens, where “civic” refers to reliability in human connections& transactions.

d.      Not every person accepts AUTONOMY and chooses to aspire to human being (verb): some prefer dependency. Dependencies include religious arrogance, indolence, crime, tyranny, and atrocity.

                                                               i.      Civic-citizens can& may constrain dependent persons, domestically through both law enforcement and by pursuing statutory-justice, plus maintaining military strength against foreign dependents.

                                                             ii.      Dependent human-beings are also too powerful to accept injustice.

                                                            iii.      There is no future utopia: civic-integrity will always be in a person’s self-interest.

3.       How do we know human-being (noun) through typical PHYSICS?

a.       Some persons assume being mineral, plant, animal, or spirit rather than human.

b.      It takes the human body a quarter century to complete the wisdom-building parts of the brain.

c.       By then, the individual human-being neither initiates nor accommodates harm to-or-from any person or association including self.

d.      The mature human-being develops the responsible-human-independence (RHI) that is required for civic-integrity; that is, reliability in their human connections& transactions.

e.      Honesty is insufficient to integrity, which requires ineluctable-evidence.

f.        Some human-beings cannot advance independently, so civic-citizens aid their pursuit of individual maturity – the most they can be.

4.       Hierarchy of self-interest (for the presentation, Phil will change the “needs” labels to “responsibility”)

a.       Human being (verb) regards the above hierarchy as responsibility-to-self more than of needs.

5.       U.S. citizenship is important because We the People of the United States can readily adapt to the RHI-culture.

                                                               i.      The U.S. Constitution can be amended (preferably, to pursue statutory-justice).

                                                             ii.      The intentions sentence in the preamble abstractly proffers RHI. It lists 5 public disciplines, “in order to” develop RHI to “ourselves and our Posterity”. Religion is not among the civil-disciplines.

                                                            iii.      The First Amendment can& may be amended to end Congressional imposition of religion. I suggest the religion clauses:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or [promoting] the free exercise thereof.

6.       To learn human being (verb) is a collective undertaking

a.       Education Departments reform from “teaching the skills the nation needs” to aiding youth’s acquisition of the comprehension& intention to develop human being (verb).

b.      Local, state, and national services to We the People of the United States practice, facilitate& encourage RHI.

c.       Religious institutions practice, facilitate& encourage civic-integrity.

d.      U.S. foreign policy (State Department) promotes human being (verb).

7.       Maintenance by the people

a.       Each generation pursues human being (verb) in the environment they face.

b.      Tradition is recalled specifically to lessen the chance of error-repetition. For example, no more civil war.

c.       Humanities educators establish& improve the language to practice, facilitate& encourage human being (verb). For example, “ineluctable” was first used in 1570 and published with “truth” in 1906, yet the public does not know “the-ineluctable-truth”.

8.       U.S. standards

a.       There are no standards for performance of the preamble’s intentions; posterity has the independence to pursue statutory-justice when injustice is discovered.

b.      If the-good derived from the-metaphysical-Jesus becomes obsolete, it is a PHYSICS consequence of RHI rather than of a political philosophy.

9.       Achievements

a.       When half of fellow-citizens are pursuing RHI, a perception of SECURITY might emerge.

b.      When 2/3 are achieving RHI, an achievable better future might be visible.

c.       The goal is personal happiness during every decade of life, according to the individual’s opinion rather than under an alien-elite vision for fellow-citizens.

Conclusions to be written after the speech is composed


Phillip R. Beaver

9/24/22, revised on 9/26/22


Copyright©2022 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included. 

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